

We’re excited to announce the expansion of our team of professionals Toshimitsu Shigehira, joining as our Senior Manager. He graduated from Okayama University and built expertise in Chugoku bank, overseas financing, and corporate investment. At KPMG FAS, he led M&A advisory and valuation services.  He has joined Likearisingsun, focusing on M&A and consulting. Learn more […]

新メンバーのご紹介―重平寿光(シニアマネージャー) 続きを読む »


A serial article (vol.159) regarding M&A in Malaysia written by our CEO was featured in The Daily NNA Malaysia Edition (Published on 27th Novemver 2024).  This article introduces M&A deals in Malaysia by Japanese companies in 2024. This article presents Mitsui’s investment in Asia’s largest hospital group in 2011 and Hitachi’s acquisition of a financial

会社・事業の買収・売却に関する記事(第159回)がNNAに掲載されました 続きを読む »


A serial article (vol.158) regarding M&A in Malaysia written by our CEO was featured in The Daily NNA Malaysia Edition (Published on 13th Novemver 2024).  This article introduces M&A deals in Malaysia by Japanese companies in 2024. This article presents Toyo Tire’s acquisition of a major tire manufacturer in 2010 and Aeon’s acquisition of Carrefour’s

会社・事業の買収・売却に関する記事(第158回)がNNAに掲載されました 続きを読む »


A serial article (vol.157) regarding M&A in Malaysia written by our CEO was featured in The Daily NNA Malaysia Edition (Published on 30th October 2024).  This article introduces M&A deals in Malaysia by Japanese companies in 2024. This article presents Techmatrix’s deal to acquire a cybersecurity company, and Daikin Industries’ acquisition of a major air-conditioning

会社・事業の買収・売却に関する記事(第157回)がNNAに掲載されました 続きを読む »


A serial article (vol.156) regarding M&A in Malaysia written by our CEO was featured in The Daily NNA Malaysia Edition (Published on 16th October 2024).  This article introduces M&A deals in Malaysia by Japanese companies in 2024. This article presents Hanwa Kogyo’s acquisition of shares in a company manufacturing and selling metallic silicon and aluminium

会社・事業の買収・売却に関する記事(第156回)がNNAに掲載されました 続きを読む »


A serial article (vol.155) regarding M&A in Malaysia written by our CEO was featured in The Daily NNA Malaysia Edition (Published on 2nd October 2024).  This article introduces M&A deals in Malaysia by Japanese companies in 2024. This article presents the acquisition of shares in a cosmetics ODM/OEM company by Nissin Chemical and the acquisition

会社・事業の買収・売却に関する記事(第155回)がNNAに掲載されました 続きを読む »


A serial article (vol.154) regarding M&A in Malaysia written by our CEO was featured in The Daily NNA Malaysia Edition (Published on 18th September 2024).  This article introduces M&A deals in Malaysia by Japanese companies in 2024. This article presents the deal the funding of 71 million yen by Bee Informatica and the transfer of

会社・事業の買収・売却に関する記事(第154回)がNNAに掲載されました 続きを読む »


A serial article (vol.153) regarding M&A in Malaysia written by our CEO was featured in The Daily NNA Malaysia Edition (Published on 4th September 2024).  This article introduces M&A deals in Malaysia by Japanese companies in 2024. This article presents the deal to make UMW Komatsu Heavy Equipment a wholly owned subsidiary in Komatsu and

会社・事業の買収・売却に関する記事(第153回)がNNAに掲載されました 続きを読む »


A serial article (vol.152) regarding M&A in Malaysia written by our CEO was featured in The Daily NNA Malaysia Edition (Published on 21st August 2024).  This article introduces M&A deals in Malaysia by Japanese companies in 2024. This article presents funding deal by SECAI MARCHE, a Southeast Asian direct-to-consumer e-commerce company, and a smart drive

会社・事業の買収・売却に関する記事(第152回)がNNAに掲載されました 続きを読む »