
CEO 神林、埼玉県立熊谷西高等学校で「マレーシアでの起業」をテーマにした講演を実施

On December 19, 2024, CEO Kambayashi gave an inspiring lecture to students at Saitama Prefectural Kumagaya Nishi High School on the theme of “Starting a Business in Malaysia.” During the session, Kanbayashi shared his personal journey leading to entrepreneurship, introduced his company LIKEARISINGSUN, and discussed key principles for working abroad, as well as his vision

CEO 神林、埼玉県立熊谷西高等学校で「マレーシアでの起業」をテーマにした講演を実施 続きを読む »


We’re excited to announce the expansion of our team of professionals Toshimitsu Shigehira, joining as our Senior Manager. He graduated from Okayama University and built expertise in Chugoku bank, overseas financing, and corporate investment. At KPMG FAS, he led M&A advisory and valuation services.  He has joined Likearisingsun, focusing on M&A and consulting. Learn more

新メンバーのご紹介―重平寿光(シニアマネージャー) 続きを読む »


Our group CEO Kambayashi gave the following presentation in the first half of 2024. ・“Personnel and labor issues and crisis management” (Sansui-Kai Association at Shah Alam, March 2024) ・” Recent Legal Issues Faced by Japanese Companies“ (Ichika-Kai Association, March 2024) ・” Recent trends in M&A and expansion by Japanese companies in Malaysia, and the basics

弊社代表神林が、2024年上半期にプレゼンテーションを行いました 続きを読む »


The “Japanese Business Presentation Contest” was organized by the Japanese language school, A to Z Language Center in Malaysia and the Embassy of Japan in Malaysia, held for the first time in five years since 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic. Sheila from our group company, Beable participated and gave a speech on the fusion of

BeableのスタッフのSheilaが日本語ビジネスプレゼンテーションコンテストに参加しました! 続きを読む »

Zencare Pharmacy Represented on the MCPG KL-Selangor Council

The Malaysian Community Pharmacy Guild (MCPG) KL-Selangor branch recently held its Annual General Meeting, and we’re thrilled to announce that Bryan from our group company Zencare Pharmacy has been elected as one of the 3 council members for the 2024-2025 term! As a council member, Bryan will play a vital role in shaping the future

Zencare Pharmacy Represented on the MCPG KL-Selangor Council 続きを読む »

Celebrating The Grand Opening of Zen Care Pharmacy

Celebrate Health & Wellness with Zen Care Pharmacy’s Grand Opening! We’re thrilled to announce the grand opening of our group company — Zen Care Pharmacy, your one-stop shop for all your health and wellness needs! Join us from April 26th to 28th 2024 for a special grand opening celebration. Explore our wide range of products,

Celebrating The Grand Opening of Zen Care Pharmacy 続きを読む »